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  4. Control Execution flow of Sequence
  5. Execution of the Sequence

Execution of the Sequence

Once the Sequence has been saved and in order to execute this Sequence. Please follow the below steps:

  1. Log in with User 5 which is an admin user.
  2. Click on the Pages tab from the navigation bar.
  3. Click on the Add New button to Add New Page.
  4. Enter the desired name for the page.
  5. Copy sequence Hook/Shortcode from Sequences page.
  6. Paste the copied Hook/Shortcode in the page.
  7. Click on the Publish button to save changes.
  8. Copy the page URL to provide it to an applicant user.
  9. Screenshots are attached for your reference.


  1. Enable the Sequence first from the Sequence Properties box in order to execute. (See Save Sequence Step to enable).
  2. You need to repeat the above steps whenever you want to execute another sequence.
  3. You can create multiple pages like we have created the single page above and paste different Sequence Hooks/Shortcodes on those pages.
  4. In the case of Approval Step, A message will be displayed “ADMIN APPROVAL IS PENDING TO PROCEED TO NEXT STEP”, and here Applicant users will wait for the Admin (User 5) approval of this step to proceed.
  5. Only Applicant users can fill the form during the execution of the sequence.